Monthly Archives: September 2019

Will I have enough money through retirement?

Mismatch between retirement expectations and actual reality

Retirement is a chance to do more of what you enjoy. When it comes to planning for your retirement, you need to think about what you’d like your life to be like. There is no set retirement age in the UK any longer, so you can carry on working as long as you like (or as long as you need to).

The future of work is coming

Tangible benefits older workers bring to the workplace

The days of an employee turning 65, getting a gold watch or carriage clock and being ushered into a new world of golf, retirement communities and early-bird specials are rapidly disappearing. People are living longer, and organisations are shifting their attitudes toward older workers as a result.

Economically active

Why longevity also brings with it some unique financial challenges

Statistics clearly show that Britons are living longer. While a long life can be a good thing, longevity also brings with it some unique financial challenges. Our ageing population is drastically altering the economic landscape of the UK, the latest figures from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) have indicated.

Pensioner wealth

Income gap between the wealthiest and poorest pensioners is growing

The members of Britain’s baby boomer generation who are now entering retirement have been called ‘the richest generation in history’. But the income gap between the wealthiest and poorest pensioners is growing, with those in the top pension income band now having an average weekly income of almost £1,000.

Pension shortfall exposure

Signs you are not financially ready to retire

Those potentially most exposed to a pension shortfall are not people just entering the workforce, most of whom presume they will work until their 70s and will receive limited support from the state. Those most at risk of enduring a more frugal older age are those currently in their 40s and 50s who grew up assuming that the pensions system their parents enjoyed – generous income and retirement in their mid-60s – was the norm.