5 things you should be doing different in 2018

Here are 5 things successful people gave up a long time ago:

1. Short-Termism

Successful people know that for their goals to manifest, it takes time and they must be focussed over the long term.

They also realise it is their daily HABITS that incrementally create the results they want. This is how they build their health, fitness, relationships, confidence and competence in any skill they wish to master.

2. The Need To Be Validated By Other People

Successful people do what is right and not what is popular or easy. Far too many people don’t live the lives they want to because they fear other people will disapprove, judge or reject them. As a result, they subtly begin to shrink down to fit in.

Successful people ARE very often judged initially for their ideas, beliefs and actions, but they recognise this goes with the territory and they become even more determined to prove themselves right.

3. Blame & Excuses

Successful people find the reasons why they CAN and WILL achieve the results they want.

When they take action and things don’t go well they do not look for an excuse for the result that they have no control over. Instead, they look for a reason for the result that is connected to something they can influence or change the next time.

This is the essence of personal empowerment, the hallmark of a true leader. They operate from a belief that there is no such thing as failure, but instead only feedback.

By implementing the feedback they know they will soon get the very results they set out to achieve.

One of their consistent habits is to feed their mind with new and innovative ways to improve their lives. They believe personal development should never be a one-time event but an ongoing and never-ending commitment to themselves and those they love so they can be the best they can possibly be.

4. Playing Safe

Successful people are risk takers. Their primary need is NOT to be comfortable, safe and secure but instead adventure, challenge, change growth and contribution.

They think big and get a vision of possibility. In their mind, if they are going to do something they might as well go for it rather than dip their toe in the water. In fact, they are often one of the first to dive into the swimming pool and proclaim “It’s fine once you’re in”. This is because they are ‘early adopters’ and embrace and move quickly into new technology months, if not years ahead of most people.

5. The Need To Say Yes

Successful people know the most precious of all commodities is TIME and they are ultra careful about what and who they give it to.

They have no problem in turning down opportunities that are not in alignment with their goals and or values. They are OK saying no and will not give a white lie about why it’s a no but instead say, “it’s just not for me”.

“Truly successful people also schedule time in their diary for themselves and their family BEFORE they schedule in work appointments. If they have kids they will diarise all their children’s school holidays. They even go out of their way to talk with teachers to get the dates of sports days and on-stage performances so they don’t miss those once in a lifetime magic moments.”

Life doesn’t have to be an imbalance of financial success, happiness, fitness or family life, it just takes a shift in mindset AND skill set.

Source: Power to achieve, Andy Harrington.

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